Swiss Franc Loans

wiss franc loans belong to that category of credit products that are particularly toxic in nature. Their content includes a series of prohibited contractual clauses, on the basis of which borrowers have initiated lawsuits against banks in recent years. One of the key complaints about the content of mortgage agreements is the lack of information regarding the risk associated with changes in currency exchange rates. The initial judgments in Swiss franc cases were not always favorable for borrowers. A turning point that led to a change in the situation for franc borrowers was the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg dated October 3, 2019, case no. C-260/18 (case of Kamil Dziubak and Justyna Dziubak vs. Raiffeisen Bank International AG). Thanks to this judgment, a line of rulings favorable to borrowers began to form in Polish courts.

In light of the current CJEU jurisprudence directing Polish courts towards a pro-consumer approach, those Swiss franc borrowers who are in the process of repaying the loan, as well as those consumers who have already repaid such loans, can pursue their claims. The annulment of a Swiss franc loan agreement allows for the recovery of the amount of the loan repaid so far, but it can also form the basis for claiming a refund of interest due to the bank’s use of the repaid loan amount.

Lexitor guarantees professional and reliable analysis of the Swiss franc loan agreement and comprehensive procedural support until a final court judgment is obtained. We serve clients from every corner of Poland with full commitment and maintaining an individual approach in each case. Lexitor also offers one of the most attractive client billing systems on the market.

Considering the possibility of the statute of limitations expiring on claims related to Swiss franc loans, it is advisable not to delay legal actions. We invite you to contact us and send your loan agreement for a free analysis and to present our offer.

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